Piatto is committed to using quality ingredients, making sure every time you sit down with us for a meal, it is fresh, seasonal and delicious. We place a strong emphasis on beautiful interior design, soft lighting and gracious hosting, combined with our food to give you “A taste of the good life”
User reviews
1 Review
This morning me and my father went to Piattos Glen Ballad for breakfast, we ordered an Express breakfast and oats we waited 25 minutes and nothing happened no one came to inform us what is happening while other people who ordered after us got their food first. We decided to pay for the cool drinks and leave when we asked to see the manager the waiter first had to fetch the manager who was next door, when she arrived she did not ask the problem just said "The order was only placed 20 minutes ago you can expect the food to be ready yet as it takes time" this isnt necessarily something bad to say but it was the way it was said she talked down to us the entire time and her main concern was that we were cancelling the order and not unhappy with the service or the way we where being treated by the manager. We were there in total for half an hour and not once did the manager come to our table to ask us how the service was or if we needed anything and this is highly unusual for a manager as all the restaurants I have been to the manager normally asks multiple times if we are happy or we need anything. We have been to other Piattos and they have made the same order in under 10 minutes as well as other restaurants, but the worst by far was how we were treated it felt almost as though we were lower than dirt and since we are paying for it I find it unacceptable.