


Sunday, May 13th, 2018

Reviewed by Tiffany Carter

Mom and I thought we'd treat ourselves to a curry for mothers day before the Dynamo event. Sat down with 2 and a half hours to kill. Mom ordered a cocktail which took 30 minutes to arrive and wasn't what she'd asked for. Placed our starter order and shortly thereafter our main as we could see it was rather busy. After an hour our starters arrived which were ice cold. Sat another hour waiting for our main, which we never got to enjoy as we had to leave for the show. The waitress came by once to ask if we'd like something else to drink only to be told that the gin was finished. Apart from that we were completely ignored. People arrived after us and left before! Terrible service! Such a dampener on mothers day! Very disappointed with the service and what little food we did eat. Will definitely not be returning or recommending!
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