

KōL Izakhaya Restaurant

Sunday, January 1st, 2023

Best not to go there. If I could give "0" star, I would. I booked a table for 4 for my own BIRTHDAY DINNER. We sat down and never seen our waiter again until we have to looking to get service. Order 4 beers.... took 20 minutes to get it.... then no waiter to be found (but there are so many people working !!!!! They just ignored customer or POORLY TRAINED ?) Ordered food... took forever and 2 of my dishes didn't arrive, asking where are they.. oh the sushi station is very busy at the moment (I ran restaurants before, dont get me wrong) - your sushi station equipped with 5 chefs.... they were NOWHERE THAT BUSY AT ALL. My final verdict.... Bad service, Bad Attitude, NOT WORTH PAYING . My birthday dinner just pathetic. KOL IZAKHAYA JUST RUINE MY BIRTHDAY
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