

Carvers Restaurant & Pub

Friday, October 13th, 2023

Reviewed by Fano du Plessis

On 23 September'23 I experienced a disappointing incident at Carvers restaurant that has left me dissatisfied and very unhappy. Upon visiting the establishment for a special function, I was abruptly and mistakenly without a reason forcefully asked to leave by a staff member and manager without reason. I have learned afterwards that there was a fight that broke out in the bar area while I was in the toilet, and as I departed from the gents toilet to return to my table, the above mentioned incident occurred. Neither me or anyone from my party was involved or connected in this fight. This unexpected treatment not only caught me off guard but also caused embarrassment, frustration and inconvenience. What is more disappointing is the lack of a real apology from the restaurant management team. Instead of acknowledging their mistake and offering an explanation for their actions, I was left feeling disregarded and disrespected as a customer. I have attempted to communicate with management on email, however they clearly don’t give a "damn" about this anymore as they don’t respond to my attempts to resolve this. As someone who values good service and positive customer experiences, I find it essential for a restaurant to take accountability for their missteps and make amends where necessary. The absence of a genuine apology in this situation only further reinforces my disillusionment with the restaurant's overall professionalism and commitment towards customer satisfaction. It is unfortunate when restaurants or any business fail to recognize that long-term success is dependent on creating genuine connections with patrons, rather than short-sighted profit-driven practices. I don't recommend this restaurant.
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