

Bossa (Burgundy)

Monday, October 30th, 2023

Reviewed by Judy Crockett

Unfortunately I have not had good food at this Bossa branch. However today it is Monday and I know that it is burger day. The burgers are normally R69 on Monday. As I am a small eater I instead ordered the Baby burger which is a single patty and cost R87. The burger arrived cold with the bacon fridge cold. The meal was returned and came back but still cold. THe chips are actually potato in a bowl. The duty manager duly notified me that it is Monday and the burger only costs R69. This was relayed as an excuse for it being cold. I did not have any special but you cant tell me this is called a burger and chips. I am clearly a slow learner as this service is utterly deplorable. How do still ask for payment for this bad plate of so called food. Shocking in every way.
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