

A Tavola

Friday, September 22nd, 2023

Reviewed by Anique Klein

On two occasions I went for dinner at A Tavola. The food is really delicious it cannot be faulted however, on the two occasions I attended the restaurant my friends and I were not welcomed by management as other members at the restaurant were. My friends and I made a booking two days in advance to secure a table. When we arrived at around 18h45, we were told by management that we only have until 20h00 to enjoy our meals as the table we were placed at was reserved for other diners. We were further told that should we not be done eating at 20h00, we would be placed at the bar to finish our meals. I am a coloured female and my friends are women of colour as well. It was shocking that we were only allowed only over an hour to enjoy our meals despite making the booking two days prior. We further noticed that the other diners were not given an “hour curfew” within which to enjoy their meals and who even gobbles food for an hour and then leave? That can never be the point of dinner. I challenged management on this rather peculiar suggestion that we finish by 8pm. We were then told we could finish our meals after much debate around the issue. After 8pm surprisingly; tables were in fact emptying. Diners were finishing their meals and there were no other new comers to be placed at our specific table (as we were told) Shocking. It was also very apparent that amongst the diners; the only people of colour at the restaurant was myself and two of my friends. It is shocking that we were not afforded the same treatment as the other diners and it was very apparent that the way we were treated was solely on the basis of race. Food is good but it’s really absurd that women of colour has to be subjected to prejudice when really trying to enjoy a dinner as everyone else. I am writing this review to alert people of colour that unwelcome treatment in establishments are really still a thing and shocking at best. Disgusting and absolutely appalling. It was further astonishing that management kept trying to explain that “his books are right” we are wrong we only allowed to eat until 8pm. As a legal practitioner; I am well aware that a customer is always right. Needless to say; we experienced the opposite. It’s 2023 people- it’s time the ignorant mind sets really changes. Unbelievable.
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