Substitute any flatfish for turbot in this simple but special fish stew recipe.
Serves: 2
Heat a little oil in a large saucepan and gently soften the shallots and garlic. Add the peas and white wine and bring to the boil. Pour in the fish stock and gently lower in the clams and turbot. Sprinkle in the saffron and cook gently for 5 minutes or until cooked.
To make the hollandaise sauce, blitz the egg yolk with 1 tablespoon water in a blender. Melt the butter and, when bubbling, pour slowly into the blender with the motor running. Season to taste and then stir in the lemon juice and the vinegar.
Serve the turbot and clams in a bowl or deep plate and pour over the saffron liquor. Sprinkle with parsley and serve the hollandaise sauce on the side.
Ingredients available at Checkers.
Best of British by Ed Baines, published by Kyle Books, priced £15.99. Photography: Lisa Linder.