
Beyond Lockdown

With our restaurants in severe crisis right now, here are two ways you can help them stay afloat and pay their staff. If you might have eaten out a few times during lockdown, consider offering some of that money saved to restaurants and their teams, or buy a voucher for a meal to enjoy when the world returns to normal.

Help staff with BackaBuddy

Restaurant staff often rely on tips to see them through, and this simple platform allows you to keep that lifeline going. Visit a restaurant venue listing page on Eat Out to see if they’ve created profiles for their team, and click to contribute directly to your favourite waiter or staff member.

Vouchers – buy now, eat later

Help tide restaurants over by buying a voucher now to be used when they reopen their doors. Visit the restaurant venue listing page on Eat Out to view the special deals they’ve created for you.

Calling chefs and restaurants

Eat Out’s core focus right now is to help get our industry healthy again. We’re mobilising our audience to support you, and we offer you our platform to help raise funds and reach your diners. We’ve enhanced your restaurant venue listing page on Eat Out, so you can share what you’re doing and how your diners can help.

Step 1

Set up profiles on BackaBuddy (free and easy), so diners can contribute directly to their favourite waiters or the team.

Step 2

Set up your voucher system on any of the available independent voucher platforms if you haven’t already. You can use Daddy’s Deals or Hyperli and then include the link to that on your restaurant listing page. Please also notify us if you are using any other voucher platform so that we can share it with other restaurants here too.

Step 3

Once you’ve set up your profiles and deals, update your restaurant venue listing page and we’ll link out to these sites. Is there already a listing for your restaurant on our site? You can claim the listing to be able to manage and update information. Simply go to your listing and click the black button that says  ‘claim it now’.

DELIVERIES: Update your restaurant listing with your home delivery options.

For instructions on how to update your restaurant venue listing page, click here.

Together we can start looking ahead to #beyondlockdown.

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