

Wholesome living in Ladybrand

At the Station Café at Living Life in Ladybrand, wholesome living is the order of the day. The list of locally sourced ingredients at this country eatery includes berries, fruit and eggs from nearby farms, as well as salad greens from their own garden – and the wood-fired oven is fired up with alien wattle.

Fresh from Emoya Estate in Bloemfontein, Yurietta Stevens has taken over the reigns as chef.

Enjoy a leisurely game of boules before lunch, and then feast on the likes of focaccia (baked in a wood-fired burner) topped with roasted butternut, olives and basil (R45). The more substantial lamb curry served with jasmine rice (R85) warms you from the inside out.

Station Café at Living Life
1 Station House, Railway Station (end of Piet Retief St), Ladybrand
Call 051 924 5723

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