Enthusiasts of the grape will know all about the anxieties inherent in wining and dining out. To us, the way wine is served is just as important as its quality. If you’re a true vino snob, you might need to avert your eyes from this list of seven struggles only wine lovers will understand.
I get that drinking out of an antique tumbler is on-trend, but jars are for jam, people.
Nobody likes accidentally wearing someone else’s lipstick.
No. Just no.
Your everyday sipper with a block or two of ice – no judgies. But if I’m about to fork out for a five-star blend, I’d rather not have it with an extra helping of water.
Suzie only likes pink wine, Jan prefers to drinks red, and who knows what Ally’s weird date drinks. Can’t we all just order bubbly and get along?
Technically, not filling a glass to the top is necessary to ensure that there’s room to swirl the wine, but it’s also just plain etiquette. I love wine but I also love it in my glass and not spilling on my lap. Unless it’s bubbly… then, more please and thank you.
Do you know anyone who enjoys a nice lukewarm flute of MCC? Nope, me neither.