

New menu at onewaterfront

Onewaterfronts celebrated chef, Phil Alcock, officially launched his first menu since starting at the Cape Grace eatery earlier this year.

With his focus firmly set on fresh, high-quality ingredients, Alcock says he likes straightforward food, because the simple things in life always work.

Although his cooking style is essentially classical, the menu is divided into sections such as From our Farms, Proudly South African, Local and lekker, The Classics and From our seas, with an all-round refreshingly modern South African flavour that prevails.

From the Local and lekker section, try the guinea fowl and springbok terrine served with prickly pear chutney and waterblommetjie fritters (pictured) or Cape malay pickled fish with vetkoek, spiced mango salsa and rocket.

Proudly South African dishes include chargrilled springbok served on rooibos and vanilla risotto with fynbos honey and orange, and roast rack of karoo lamb with sweet potato, butternut fricassée and rosemary.

As the perfect end to your meal, be tempted by Alcocks impressive cheese trolley which includes a large selection of South African, French and English cheeses.
The Cape Grace, West Quay Road,  V&A Waterfront, Cape Town
Call 021-418 0520

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