

How Megan Wessels is adding her heart to everything she bakes

Not that long ago, the idea of an exclusively vegan South African bakery was the stuff of sweet dreams. Now, Joburg is home to With Härt bakery – a fully vegan bakery in Sunninghill – thanks to the hard work and determination of Megan Wessels. We caught up with the baker to find out just what it takes to be a pioneer in the world of vegan baking. 


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How it all began
If you’d asked Megan in 2012 if she’d ever be vegan, own and run a vegan bakery and win a prestigious Food XX Baker award for all her hard work, her answer might very well have been no. Little did she know what the future held. 

After some major health issues in 2013, culminating in an operation and a soft-food diet for three months, Megan realised the toll that animal products were having on her body, which kick-started her vegan journey. “It was clear my body could not tolerate animal products. It was a no-brainer for me… I cut out all animal products from my life and, let me tell you, I felt a difference within three days. My mind was blown!” she explains.  

How to open a vegan bakery
Like most epic tales, Megan’s journey to opening With Härt bakery started as a love story: “Originally known as The Gypsy Kitchen, the bakery was born in 2016 when I liked a boy, he liked anything sweet, and I had no clue how to bake. So, the pursuit to impress him with cruelty-free, delicious baked goods began. P.S. We’re now married and have a beautiful vegan family.” 

At the time, Megan was a swimming instructor, so she baked before and after work and on weekends, experimenting and perfecting recipes. “It took me many Sunday baking sessions to get this baking thing right, but soon something happened that changed everything for me… Love! I fell in love with plant-based baking!” she explains. “Back then, veganism was still very hush-hush, so finding vegan baked goods or even just reliable products was very challenging – this fuelled me to make everything from scratch.” 

After juggling her work as a swimming instructor and her new-found love for baking for a while, Megan took the plunge and decided to pour her heart into opening a vegan bakery. “With the help of my dad, we built the bakery with our own hands. The Gypsy kitchen was built from the ground up with so much love and it didn’t stop there – it spills over into every single bake we make.”

In 2023, a rebrand saw The Gypsy Kitchen become With Härt bakery.


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Getting the recognition she deserves 
Megan was recently announced as the winner of the Food XX Baker award – a major feather in her cap and a testament to the delicious treats she crafts. “Winning the Food XX Baker award was an incredible milestone for me personally. I’ve poured so much of my HART and soul into this industry and the vegan community, and to be recognised for my skills on such a prestigious platform was both humbling and surreal. It felt like validation, not only for the long hours and hard work, but also for the passion I bring to every recipe. To be acknowledged alongside such an inspiring group of peers made the achievement even more meaningful. It was a reminder that what we do matters, and that dedication truly pays off,” Megan says. 

Family is everything
When Megan started out, she relied on classical recipe books to hone her baking skills – converting each recipe to make the end-product vegan. “My notebooks quickly filled with detailed notes – trial and error – and [I shed] countless tears behind my Kenwood. This relentless pursuit of knowledge became the foundation for nurturing my passion.”  

As she spent more time in the kitchen, Megan realised that one of her greatest influences was her gran: “[She] had a much greater influence on me than I realised when I was younger. She was always in the kitchen – baking, cooking and experimenting. As I gained more skills and knowledge in the bakery, I began converting her recipes, the ones she used to make for us as kids,” explains Megan.  

“My family and my health are at the HART of everything I do. Sometimes, I get so caught up in serving my clients that I forget how the bakery began. But then I see my kids eating something from the bakery and doing their little happy dance, and it hits me – I’m creating the same cherished memories for them that my gran created for me. Knowing that they can go to school and have the same experiences as their peers, despite being vegan, fuels my passion and reminds me why I started this journey.”  

Crafting the menu
Megan’s sense of family also impacts what she offers her customers. “I always begin with a sense of nostalgia, thinking about what my gran baked for us and the fond memories attached to that. I also consider the traditions and memories I want to create for my own son and daughter,” she explains. But she also knows that not many people can fight the lure of a well-made baked good. “Let’s be honest – no one can resist the sweet aroma of cookies baking in the oven. If I can recreate that comforting feeling, people won’t mind whether it’s vegan or not!” 

It takes more than just heart to create the perfect menu, though. “Of course, I keep an eye on the latest trends in the world of baking because, as a vegan myself, I want to enjoy the same exciting treats that everyone else is having. Veganism has evolved far beyond just fruit salads, and I don’t want to feel left out. If I can recreate trending treats, like the crookie, or unique cakes for my clients, ensuring they have the same delightful experiences as everyone else, I’ll always strive to do my best.” 


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Never compromising on quality
“To create vegan versions of traditional pastries without compromising on quality and taste, I start by focusing on the science and fundamentals of baking, the core elements of the original recipe, and then I look for plant-based alternatives that can replicate those qualities. For instance, instead of using eggs, I might use flaxseed or aquafaba (chickpea brine) as binders, which help achieve a similar texture. For dairy, I opt for high-quality plant-based milks and butters that enhance flavour and maintain richness,” explains Megan.  

“I focus on using fresh, natural ingredients and experiment with different combinations to ensure that the taste and texture are spot-on. It’s all about balance and finding the right substitutes that work well together,” she says.  

“We also believe in and hold ourselves accountable to baking fresh and from scratch every single day – no packet mixes or store-bought sauces. We understand that the first questions anyone asks at a bakery are often ‘Is this fresh? When was it made?’ We can proudly say, without a doubt, that everything we have on offer was made that morning.”  

And Megan knows that veganising something doesn’t mean she’s going to be compromising on flavour: “Making something vegan doesn’t mean sacrificing taste; in fact, many plant-based ingredients offer flavours and textures that can enhance the final product. By carefully selecting and testing these alternatives, I can create pastries that not only meet the standards of traditional recipes, but often, dare I say, are actually better (wink).” 

The future and beyond
Even though she has achieved so much, Megan has no plans to slow down just yet. “I would love to open a branch in Cape Town and eventually start a teaching school. There’s currently nothing like that in South Africa, and since our climate, ingredients, and humidity are so different from overseas, online courses don’t always translate well here. By offering specialised local training, we could equip young chefs with valuable skills from the start of their careers. This would not only boost their expertise but also encourage more businesses to offer vegan options without needing outside consultants. It’s a great way to inspire growth in the vegan food industry and create more opportunities for local talent,” she says. 

“I’ve always dreamed of writing my own vegan baking book. South Africa needs more locally focused resources, especially when it comes to vegan ingredients and techniques that suit our unique climate and produce. I would love to see moms becoming confident in baking their own kids’ birthday cakes, as well as getting the opportunity to create the same memories I strive to create for my kids.” 

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