

Master chef

There’s more to Gordon Ramsay than tantrums and terrible language. He’s one of the greatest cooks in the world – and he’s coming to SA for the Good Food and Wine Show. We caught up with him before his trip. By Anelde Greeff

What did you eat last night?
Last night we were filming a service for Hell’s Kitchen so I didn’t have time to sit down and eat. As a chef you’re constantly picking. In the kitchen we taste dishes throughout service and it’s rare to sit down to a meal.

Do you interfere when your wife is cooking?
I try not to! Tana’s a great cook but I had to teach her to season food properly. She never used to add salt when cooking, so as not to give the children too much in their diet, but it meant the finished product was a bit bland. She’s more adventurous now and uses lots of herbs to season as an alternative.

Your favourite kitchen appliance?
A set of good knives is vital for any kitchen.

What makes for a perfect dinner?
 Great food, a nice bottle of wine and fantastic company to enjoy it with.

Who’s your favourite soccer player?
Pelé. He was extremely graceful and had an amazing natural skill.

With Scotland not having qualified, who are you supporting at the World Cup?
I’ll be cheering for Spain – they’re the current European champions and have some of the best players in the world – Xavi, Alonso, Torres and Villa.

What do you love most about South Africa?
Every time I visit I am blown away by the freshness of the ingredients – from the meat and vegetables to the fantastic variety of fish.

Comfort is arriving home and seeing my family after being away for work.

Women in the kitchen are still underrated in the industry. I have some exceptionally talented women in my kitchens.

Life should be lived to the full.

CATCH Gordon Ramsay LIVE Gordon Ramsay will make his first-ever public appearance in SA at the Winter Good Food & Wine Show in Cape Town from 13 to 16 May at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. Joining him is a sensational line-up of BBC celebrity chefs, including Eric Lanlard, Anjum Anand and Giorgio Locatelli, and some top South African chefs. For more information and to book for Gordon Ramsay’s presentations or workshops with local and international chefs, call 021 797 4500 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              021 797 4500      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or visit

Interview courtesy of Edgar's Club Man

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