

Magazine teaser: the story of Iming Lin – one of SA’s most unique restaurant suppliers

Iming Lin is the farmer at the helm of Meuse Farm, a sustainable urban agriculture operation tucked away in Hout Bay. Her practice is produce-centred, with a focus on lesser-known vegetables. She occupies a specifically informed space in the sphere of urban agriculture, and is set apart by her reverence for all life forms, a cognisance for the tiniest of ecosystems, and a fervent eagerness to understand, preserve and nurture the land.


Image: Claire Gunn


Her interests were nourished early in life; as a result, Iming found herself immersed in the beauty and technicality of growing food. “I loved to work in our vegetable garden as a kid, and started my first garden when I was seven or eight,” she says.

To read the full story, grab your copy of the 2024 Eat Out magazine – on shelf at your nearest Woolies for R115!


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