Sip on a frozen margarita as you contemplate which of these fantastic Mexican restaurants to try out for lunch or dinner, and let’s not forget the must-have breakfast burritos too.
Delicious Mexican fare for people on the move. Choose the style of meal that you’d like to order: your choices include a burrito or a burrito bowl, soft or crispy taco shells, or a salad. Top one of these bases with a range of traditional Mexican fillings and a meat (steak, pulled beef or chicken) or veg filling. Everything is neat, flavoursome and quick, and you can choose to dine in or take it away. Stop in at Chiapas when you’re in the mood for a quick, fresh and wholesome Mexican meal.
Open: Monday to Saturday 10.30am to 7pm; Sundays 10.30am to 5.30pm
Dishes prepared and served at Chiapas. Image sourced online.
The restaurant is named after both the owner’s mother and grandmother (both named Consuelo) and the food is just as lovingly prepared. Periodically the restaurant hosts a family-style pop-up luncheon or dinner at R300 per person for a three-course meal. The pop-up menu comprises a traditional tortilla soup, Ensenada-style fish tacos, traditional grilled pineapple and pork, tacos al pastor, and churros with a chocolate dipping sauce. Fresh Mexican juices are served and you’re also welcome to bring your own drinks during the pop-up meals. Booking is essential. Keep an eye on their website for the next pop-up event dates.
Open: Monday to Sunday 11am to 9pm
A Mexican dish prepared and served at Consuelos, Centurion. Image sourced online.
At Etas you have to go for the sea bass ceviche tacos – the sea bass is marinated in lime and tamari, bringing out the intense freshness of this seafood delicacy. And as the finalé to an excellent evening, what could be more rewarding than the chocolate tasting board – a selection of rich, chocolate-flavoured treats such as chilli-chocolate sorbet, dehydrated chocolate mousse, chocolate délices, coffee-infused fudge brownies and more!
Open: Monday to Sunday 12pm to 12am
Enjoy the seared tuna ceviche if you’re in the mood for something from the ocean, or opt for the carne rojo for the unctuously umami taste of slow-roasted beef short rib. Neither can be beat. When it’s available, you should also consider the Oaxacan lamb shoulder taco to explore traditional Mexican flavours.
Open: Monday to Saturday 12pm to 10pm; Sundays 12pm to 6pm
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Join the crew of the Magic Bus on a colourful and flavoursome trip around the culinary wonders of Latin America. This spot is great for cocktails like margaritas, piña coladas, mojitos and caipirinhas. Try their butter prawn tacos, or opt for a delightful vegetarian option such as the Peruvian greens and beans combo. Have it either as a burrito or as a gluten-free bowl.
Open: Tuesday to Saturday 11am – 11pm; Sundays 11am to 5pm
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Right in the heart of the old East sits a vibrant Mexican establishment named Salsa. Try one of the platitos (small plates) as a starter or as a shared tapas-style meal. Make sure to get the jalapeño poppers, which come in spicy or mild. If you’d like a variety of flavours in one dish, try the Très Amigos platter, comprising a mini beef and black bean burrito, a chicken, butternut and feta burrito, and a pulled pork and Mexican slaw burrito. The venue sometimes hosts live music and is an excellent choice for celebrating birthdays. Be prepared to party like the Mexicans. Olé!
Open: Monday to Sunday 10.30am to 10pm
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Some palates aren’t as adventurous, preferring to stay close to what they know and like. This helped the birth of the Tex-Mex style of cooking, which is the flavour profile Texican offers. Alongside all of your favorites from a traditional steakhouse menu, you can also enjoy pulled smoked beef short rib in an enchilada or on soft nachos. Burgers, chips, chicken flatties and steaks are also available to keep the whole family happy.
Open: Monday to Saturday 11am to 9pm; Sundays 11am to 8pm
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Meet the new amigos on the block! Two and a Half Amigos offers tasty Mexican dishes, like the Papi chilli quesadilla filled with a combination of pulled pork, cheese and jalapeños. Don’t skip the grilled Mexican corn as a starter. This flavour explosion combines grilled sweetcorn with butter, mayonnaise, chilli, feta and a hint of lime. Yum!
Open: Sundays and Mondays 11am to 8pm; Tuesday to Thursday 11am to 9pm; Fridays and Saturdays 11am to 10pm