

A Boschendal moment

The folks at Boschendal got all fuzzy when wine development specialist, James Le Grys, told them a story.

The story goes that James and his girlfriend climbed Ben Nevis in aid of the charity, Alzheimer's Research. “My girlfriend’s grandparents both suffer from Alzheimer's,” says James, “so I was there for both moral and physical support. I knew it would be a massive undertaking for my girlfriend, so a nice surprise and reward at the top was in order, hence the bottle of Boschendal Le Grand Pavillon Brut Rosé. I have to say it went down sweet as a nut at the top, and as a result of the trip my girlfriend managed to raise over £300 for the charity.”

Boschendal was so tickled pink by this gesture, they started the Make a Moment competition whereby bubbly drinkers send in pictures of special moments that Boschendal helped make.  Visit their website to see the entries.

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