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Eat Out’s Sustainability Award has evolved with a new name and vision – it’s now known as the Eat Out Woolworths Green Star Award.
In celebration of World Food Day on 16 October we take a look into what Woolworths does with their food waste.
We caught up with chef Rudi Liebenberg, the Eat Out Valpré Lannice Snyman Lifetime Achievement Award winner for 2022.
"Winning an award like this means a lot – not only to our staff, but also to the locals in the area."
Dusk is the culmination of more than a decade’s dreaming by Darren and co-owner and chef Callan Austin.
Behind every great chef and marvelous meal is an unsung hero: paper.
"The food industry is extremely tough, so exposing yourself fully to it early in your career is crucial"
The food at The LivingRoom is proudly Durban-centric with African and Indian influences.
SA's best restaurants and chefs were celebrated in a glittering ceremony in Cape Town.
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