

MV Café

Sunday, October 29th, 2023

Reviewed by Sibusiso Khumalo

My experience today killed all the urge and interest in that Restaurant. The owner does not have respect for black people. He treated us like 3rd class citizens. I loved that establishment until today I was ill treated by an arrogant rude and disrespectful owner. When we tried to voice our dissatisfaction he made it clear that he does not entertain black complaints. I have been in that place for many times and have recommended the place to friend because they have nice food. The owner today disappointed me greatly. When she argued with us for such a silly thing. When we order our breakfast the Salt Dispenser was not properly closed and my wife accidentally poured salt in all her meal. The waiter took the plate back and we were hoping they will bring us another plate and charge us for the other one should they feel it’s our fault. They brought back the food with Salt granules we thane spoke to the waiter who told us her Bosss was responsible. We requested to speak to him just to advise him about our experience. He showed signs of arrogance and disrespect by saying we poure d salt into our plate. Trying not to cause any scene to other patrons I said to him it would have been proper if he charged us for an extra plate. We were expecting an apology from him but a bile came out of his mouth. He belittled us make us feel dumb and stupid. You don’t expect such treatment from the owner of such an establishment. He spoiled our day I was so disappointed because I love their food but when someone treats you like that it’s embarrassing. The fact that he did not apologise showed me that to him we are not human beings but animals who can eat food with Course Salt Granules. He mus state that BLACKS ARE NOT NEEDED IN HIS ESTABLISHMENT NOT TREAT US LIKE THAT
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