

Piccolo Italia

Friday, January 9th, 2015

Reviewed by Robin Behrens

We booked for a late lunch on Wednesday, 7th January 2015. What an immense let-down. - My wife ordered a vodka and orange and was told there was no orange juice available; could she please be patient as they would fetch it from the supermarket next door. The juice that ended up in the carafe was a cheap and nasty 'juice' with preservatives sodium benzoate and sulphur dioxide. - The linguine frutti del mare was 'not available' (although there is a Superspar next door). I ordered the lasagna as an alternative and was bitterly disappointed. A mushy, stodgy ensemble of sheet pasta and congealed béchamel 'sauce' - virtually no mince or tomato in the dish at all. It was virtually inedible. - My wife ordered the osso bucco and was underwhelmed by the quality of the meal - tough meat, poor flavor and hard penne pasta. We didn't want to venture into the dessert territory, so we called for the bill and left this eatery feeling cheated and disappointed. Did Diane de Beer give them advance notice of her intended visit? Her review is completely out of kilter with our experience here. The owners seem more interested in keeping their own family members and/or friends happy than their patrons. We will never be back. Robin & Theresa Behrens 082 806 7407
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