

The Foodbarn Deli and Tapas

Thursday, September 11th, 2014

Reviewed by Leanne Maree-Kipling

Living in Noordhoek, we have a diverse selection of good restaurants to choose from. The Foodbarn at Noordhoek Farm Village where famed Chef Franck Dangeroux makes his culinary magic produced an off-spring a couple of year ago - The Foodbarn Deli & Tapas. During the day it is a vibrant and busy Deli, serving breakfast and lunch, cakes and pastries. At night it transforms into a casual, but comfortable restaurant, with friendly and helpful waiters. The Tapas menu and food is as it should be - small portions of the most delectable offerings that tantalise your taste buds, leaving the air above the table filled not only with fragrant aromas of spices and sauces , but also the "aah"s and "mmmm"s and "you have to try some of this!" floating above our heads. The menu has something for everyone, vegetarian dishes, fish, seafood, steak, curry - all with their own paired sauce to enhance and compliment the dish... even this lacto-vegan has choices to make on what to eat -and the puddings - Oh the puddings! Hot cinnamon chirros served with a pot of dark chocolate dipping pot is my very favourite way to end off a meal, but there is always a debate at our table, as it has competition in the Pavlova, and the Nut tart served with Granadilla sorbet, but for me, the Chiros wins. Prices average around R26 for a bread board with crusty chiabatta stick and dipping sauces or fire potatoes to not much more than R20 above that for Fillet sporting a nifty pastry cap and wearing a delectable sauce.The other food offered ranges in between those, with a good selection to choose from. It often comes down to not being able to choose which dishes to order as there are too many you want to try. The sauces, as well as the creative menu and beautifully served food are what makes this Tapas stand out from others I have been to - the Gorgonzola sauce which is served with the Chicken fingers, the tangy tahini mayo that is waiting for the Arrancini Risotto balls to be dunked in, the spicy paprika and chilli paste that the Fire Potatoes are covered in, the mini bunny chow that holds it curry with a lid at a jaunty angle, allowing the steaming aroma to escape - each completely different, each compliment their food partner and each one just gorgeous. Due to the good pricing and size of the food, you can get to taste a variety of dishes. I think our table tasted just about one of everything - we just forgot to order the Pavlova - which looked like food art and somehow slipped past us - but next time it's on the menu for me - that is if I can do without my Chirros!
The Foodbarn Tapas are open Tuesday to Sunday from 6:30 - 9:30. There is also a kiddies menu. They are busy and booking is necessary, and can be made on 021 789 1966. This is Tapas how it should be, with food that sets a standard I have not been able to meet at another Tapas restaurant. Well worth a visit. I have included the link so you can peruse the menu yourself. Just see if your mouth doesn't water!
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