

Your views on organic

Well done to Janine Johnston for winning the hamper of Green & Black’s organic chocolate.

Janine says she would love to see more organic ingredients on restaurant menus: “If we could choose chemical free foods that are high in nutrient value and just so much more delicious – why wouldnt we? Preparing organic only meals will also encourage menu creativity – as chefs would use produce that is available in season. Finally, restaurants can make quite an impact on local job creation through encouraging organic agriculture practices as a healthy solution for people and the environment”.

Other Eat Out reader views on organic

It would encourage a greater interest in organic ingredients and their health, quality and fair trade benefits. Hopefully people that eat out would be encouraged to use organic ingredients when eating in. It would hopefully grow the market for organic ingredients which would then make them more available. It would be very favourable to the growers in terms of their financial viability as well. – Gina

border=0Organic food makes a huge difference to me. Besides feeling much better and healthier after an organic meal, you also know that you have not just eaten chemicals and for the meat, you know that the animals were brought up naturally with no awful steroids to aid in their growth. I think that it’s worth the small extra cost, and I also absolutely love Green & Black’s Organic! Id love to see this fantastic choccy used in recipes for restaurant desserts – yum!Tamlyn

I would love to see locally grown organic ingredients on menus. Organic produce is created working with the environment and without pesticides, insecticides and GM interference. I would always order organic meat if it was on offer, instead of skipping it and ordering something else like I usually do (due to all the stimulants and growth hormones fed to animals in feed lots). It really boils down to knowing that I am eating something that is good for me, tastes exceptional and is supporting local organic farming initiatives.Moon

Organic produce is not only friendlier on the environment but is generally better tasting and better quality. The flavour and texture are better and its healthier too.Seena

We only get one life and it should be full of the best things – organic food is a must of everyday living. We are what we eat. Happy and good food makes happy people.Tiziana

I believe that the awareness of organic foods and its benefits are more widespread now. People are also more willing to try something like this, now that the initial its just a fad diet phase has passed. I think its always best to try something new to your palate in a restaurant first. Choosing a clean, simple meal with something youve never tried before will either make or break whether you ever have it again. And its more likely that the chef will do a better job at cooking and presenting something you dont know a whole stack about!Carmen

Organic food has more intense flavours and colours, and this allows for greater enjoyment. All the senses are heightened… Need I say more? Organic foods are also more nutritious than their conventional counterparts. Recent studies have found significantly higher levels of nutrients and antioxidants in organic produce. Analysis shows that organic foods have, on average, 27% more vitamin C, 29% more iron, and 14% more phosphorus. Let your tastebuds be your guide, the produce that tastes best is usually better for you too.Corne

Yes, I would like to have peace of mind that I am paying for healthy quality products when dining out. We all need to make a conscious decision to buy food that is not harmful to our environment and our bodies. Just as I read the labels on items I buy at the grocery store, the same apply for wanting to know what the ingredients are of menu items.Liret

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