

The History of Taste

Investigating burning foodie questions such as how Frances grand cuisine took over the world and when and where restaurants began, a stunning new book by the revered London-based publishers, Thames and Hudson, is an essential buy for any inquisitive gastronomist.

The authoritative Food: The History of Taste, Edited by Paul Freedman, applies the discoveries of food historians to the romantic appeal of food, studying the accomplishments of civilisations from prehistory to the present day, reports

With epic chapters such as Hunter-Gathereres and the First Farmers – The Evolution of Taste in Prehistory, and Dining out – The Development of the Restaurant, the 368-page book promises to be a riveting read.

The book is available locally at around R445. Visit for more information.

Food: The History of Taste
Paul Freedman
ISBN 0500251355 / ISBN-13 978-0500251355

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