

Meaty menu at Butcher Block

Carnivores will be celebrating now that the Butcher Block has reopened its doors, which have been firmly closed for the last two months due to water damage to the restaurant’s ceiling.

Now, the splendid grill house is back in business and the experience is just as fabulous. You feel welcome from the moment you enter the Butcher Block’s wonderfully plush, upmarket interior.

The menu still offers everything from poultry to fish and veg, but the superstars are the spectacular steaks, which have undergone a specialised ageing process making them intensely tasty and tender.

The meat is supplied by Karan Beef, one of South Africa’s top meat suppliers, so you can be sure you’re getting the best out there. Try the signature camembert and bacon sirloin or rump, which is smothered in green peppercorn sauce and topped with pan-fried bacon and melted camembert cheese, and finish off with Amarula chocolate cheesecake, which is a firm favourite among regulars.

In the centre of the eatery is a small but impressive temperature-controlled wine cellar, housing some remarkable wines from reputable estates including Kanonkop, Veenwouden and Rust en Vrede. Enjoy a bottle with your meal and then purchase one to take home to your private collection.

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