

Robertson slo-o-o-w

The lovely, laid-back winelands town of Robertson is gearing up to grind to an almost-halt during its annual Robertson Slow.

To ensure that all proceedings take place at an unhurried pace, the festival will happen over the long weekend of 6 to 9 August. In keeping with the principles of the international Slow Food Movement, foodies will be titillated with slow-cooked traditional dishes showcasing the valleys ingredients.

They’ll also get the chance to take part in workshops demonstrating the making of artisanal treats including cheese, salami and pasta, sample the regions eminently quaffable wines, and stock up on a smorgasbord of fresh local produce at Sundays Valley Regional Food Market.

They’ll do all this while getting to know the towns friendly small producers and wine-makers. While the fest may be dedicated to the slow approach to life, dont be too slothful when booking your tickets, as theyre selling out fast. For more information on Robertson Slow, a full programme of events and booking details, visit or contact the Robertson Wine Valley on 023 626 3167.

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