

Wine in your pocket

Elmari Swart is the co-founder of Cheviot Publishing, a boutique-publishing house. Before she dabbled in the printed word, Elmari made wine in France, Australia and South Africa. She now indulges her passion by producing 1 200 bottles of fine wine annually in her garagiste winery. Elmari has recently published The Essential Guide to South African Wines: Terroir & Travel. And, one lucky Eat Out reader can win a copy, plus some wine.

Where do you like to eat out?
I spend a lot of time out in the winelands researching and hosting clients at wineries during the day, so at night I prefer to frequent restaurants closer to town. Some favourites are Giovanni’s, The Cod Father, Five Flies, HQ, La Petite Fermé and Le Quartier Français.

Do you choose a restaurant for its wine list?
I choose restaurants based on the overall experience. If a restaurant offers an exceptional wine list, I am certainly tempted to visit. But when I am entertaining guests and need to present specific wines to them, I select a venue based on the food offering and arrange wines with the sommelier before our visit. I find most restaurants very accommodating to these requests, and in return I always make sure that the winemaker or tour guide meets the owner or maître d’ so that they can exchange details.

How will this book help diners in the winelands?
For me, quality of life is all about accessibility, simplicity and enjoyment. The guide provides diners with these essential food, wine and travel connections. The guide also helps you to select a wine ‘pocket’, jump in the car, and do a day-trip to visit some of the unique wineries in that area. Detailed relief maps provide GPS co-ordinates and are backed up by downloadable waypoints and routes on our website.

Every pocket takes you on a journey, where you discover the terroir, viticulture, wine-making techniques and flagship wines of some of the country’s premium producers. The pocket also provides selected restaurants, accommodation, local delicacies and festivals.

By Malu Lambert

Win a copy of The Essential Guide to South African Wines: Terroir & Travel and three wines from selected wine pockets.

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