

A taste of things to come

Eat Outcatches up with Woolworths TASTE Bursary award winners, Joy Mavi (2010), Nerita Bharuth (2009) and Simphiwe Siyata (2008).

These young chefs have been living their white-jacket dreams – travelling the world and working at the country’s top restaurants.

src='data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22'  Simphiwe Siyata, winner 2008

I’m working at Constantia Uitsig Restaurant in the hot kitchen. I’ve been here for two years and I have absolutely no intention of leaving anytime soon. Head chef Clayton Bell is an amazing mentor and he’s teaching me so much.

Winning the bursary has meant everything to me.

Opportunities have come my way because of it.  This job, for one! Also I’ve done a few magazine interviews, even one for True Love.

I think it’s important that the bursary is continued asit gives the guys (and girls) out there who have no financial backing the opportunity to let their skills shine.

My advice to Woolworths TASTE Bursary hopefuls is to believe in yourself – anything is possible.


src='data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22'  Nerita Bharuth, winner 2009

I’m in my second year at Silwood Kitchen, and it’s going really well.

This year, we do two-month stages at different restaurants. My first one was at La Colombe, which was amazing. It was recently rated the twelfth restaurant in the world by S.Pellegrino!

Winning the bursary has been awesome. I didn’t have the money to study, and this is a great way to start out in the restaurant industry.

Opportunities have come my way because of it.  Being a bursary winner is a big plus when entering a professional kitchen. The chefs know that you’re already in the industry, and it’s a big thumbs-up.

I think it’s important that the bursary is continued because there are many people out there who want a career in the kitchen and just don’t have the finances to do it.  Incentives like these make dreams come true.

My advice to Woolworths TASTE Bursary hopefuls is to be yourself and work hard for what you want.

src='data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=%22'  Joy Mavi, winner 2010

I’m a first-year bursary student at Silwood Kitchen, and I love it!

Winning the bursary has meantso much – it’s opened many doors.

Opportunities have come my way because of it.  Silwood and Woolworths chose me to represent them (along with a team) at the Clipper Race gala dinner in London.

My team made lobster cocktail, crisp salad and a rack of lamb served with samphire – the asparagus of the sea. For dessert, we made a cream-cheese fondant with lemon verbena sorbet.

I think it’s important that the bursary is continued because it gives young chefs an opportunity to showcase their talent.

My advice to Woolworths TASTE Bursary hopefuls is to do what you do, with passion and commitment.

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