

Awards fever!

This Thursday, SA’s top food producers will be on tenterhooks as the winners for the 2011 SAB Eat In Produce Awards are announced. Held at Woodstock’s Old Biscuit Mill, the awards will be accompanied by a fabulous night market, offering visitors a dazzling spread of cheeses, SAB micro-beers, cured meats and home-made jams. We chatted to Eat In’s Executive Editor, Anelde Greeff, to find out more about the awards, the market, and how to bribe her with cheese.

Tell us about the Awards. Why are they so important? 

The Eat In Produce Awards were started four years ago, to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding independent local producers and outlets for their integrity, passion and innovation. These are not the products you’ll find lining the shelves in supermarkets; they’re the produce sold at the food markets we visit on weekends (often by the producers themselves). It’s the little guys who need all the support and exposure they can get. 

We award producers and outlets in 11 categories, including best new product, best organic producer, and best market. These are producers who deliver a consistently high quality product that is locally grown or developed using primary produce from SA. Due care and consideration for both the environment and workforce are also essential criteria. Of course, an outlet is a vital connection between the producers and the public, which is why the awards also recognise the shops and markets for their vital role in the process.

And the judging? How did that go?

Never in my life have I eaten so much! The judging panel (consisting of myself, Pete Goffe-Wood, Justine Drake, Anna Trapido and Michelle Barry) spent two days eating our way through the 11 categories. It’s definitely not as easy as it sounds… I distinctly remember an early morning stretch where we devoured amazing cheeses from across the country – but it was in a short period of time and without any wine, so it wasn’t nearly as indulgent as you would imagine.

I’m sure there were some tough decisions? Did any food fights or heated arguments break out?

Some decisions were quick and unanimous, others a little more tricky. But I’m confident that, in the end, we have a collection of amazing and deserved winners.

The Eat In Awards have always been held as an awards lunch before. Where did the idea for a market come from?

When I joined the team last year, I had a vision of making this brand warmer and friendlier and more about the community of passionate people that it serves. So instead of having an intimate, media-focused awards lunch (as has happened for the past four years) we decided to have an event that would bring together all members of the foodie community. And isn’t a food market the perfect way to do it? This way, producers get to bring their stories and their produce and consumers get to meet – and eat – with them. Plus, our team gets to engage with all parties involved, which ultimately helps us to deliver better content to our readers, and support to our producers and outlets.

Which of our favourite producers will be at the market?

There will be so many fantastic producers that it’s almost impossible to choose my favourites. Plus, I know some of them well because I see them at local markets and in stores so often. But if I had to choose producers that I’m most excited about, I’d have to choose the out-of-towners, like The Drift Farm, Braeside Butchery, The Valley Market, Enaleni Farm, Swissland Cheese and Chuck & Bobs (their honey-cured bacon is amazing).

What’s the first thing you buy when you arrive at any of our fantastic local food markets?

A frothy cappuccino or latte – to wake up! And then the serious shopping and eating starts.

Chocolate or cheese?

Cheese, without a doubt. I have always said that if I had to choose one food group to stick to for the rest of my life, it would be cheese. There is little I won’t do for a chunk of Dalewood Huguenot

If you could cook dinner for anyone, who would it be, and what would you cook? 

Nigel Slater. He’s my food hero. But the mere thought of having to cook for such a famous chef and food writer is terrifying. So, in true Eat In style, I’d rather buy beautiful fresh produce, bread, cheeses and preserves, and have a relaxed feasting table.

What’s the best thing about your job?

All the amazing cheese I get to eat!

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