

A good egg

It's egg time! Because I have young kids, I have been stocking up on chocolate eggs since the Valentine’s caramel hearts left the shelves. (That’s my excuse, anyway.)

As children, we didn't have a huge selection to choose from in Zim, but there was a chocolate shop (which is still there) called Mokador. When we got a little older, my dad would treat us to these masterfully made chocolate eggs, often filled with truffles of all sorts.

I have noticed that the bunnies made by Lindt now come in dark chocolate, too. I have a fond tale to tell about those bunnies. I was super excited the year they were launched, so just in case they sold out, I stockpiled. During a chocolate craving in the middle of the night, I unwrapped my bunny from its foil jacket. The next morning I woke up covered in warm chocolate, obviously a result of having fallen asleep while clutching my chocolate pet.

I asked the Eat Out team what their favourite eggs are, and here’s the verdict. Senior sales executive Mandy Petim loves the special limited edition of white chocolate Lindt balls with stracciatella, all wrapped up in pretty pale blue and white. Claire Buchanan couldn't decide, but only one selection was allowed, so she opted for a six-pack of the eggs with the hard white shell. Content director Anelde Greeff has a few honeycomb-filled bunnies from Woolworths on her desk, and copy editor Linda Scarborough eats speckled eggs all year round – an inspiration to us all. Online editor Katharine Jacobs was just finishing a pack of three Cadbury’s crème eggs, so I gather that was her answer. Editorial assistant Kelly Pluke couldn't be loyal to one particular kind. “I like anything with chocolate!" was her reply. Alicia Erasmus, managing editor, says she loves the old-fashioned Beacon eggs in all sizes, and brand manager Werner Hayward says the sugar-coated white ones are still his favourite.

And me? Well, I have moved on to lambs – the cutest ones with Aero bubbles – although I will have to try the dark bunnies, too.

Happy egg hunting!

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