Sporting a very unique style of “bohemian” décor, with a different colour and pattern curtain at each window, original ”bohemian” paintings on the walls and with a variety of seating arrangements, Bohemia has become the icon of student life in Stellenbosch. Bohemia offers a varied student friendly menu with anything from pizza to burgers with a full liquor license. Bohemia caters for all tastes whether it is a quiet Sunday coffee or a raucous Wednesday night “kuier” or a live music night, so that you will never be disappointed.
User reviews
2 Reviews
Victoria Thomas
Bohemia, central to the student hub of Stellenbosch, is a great for a casual wine and pizza during the afternoon on the stop or a lively evening with friends! While the pizzas are some of the best in Stellenbosch, the service can be, however, be a bit slow, but the friendly and warm staff make up for it! Definitely also would recommend the box wines - perhaps not the classiest, but a Bohemia classic to try!
Deveney Manuel
Friday, 16 October 2014
So my friends and I had a incident which left us quite unhappy. Friday afternoon we went to Bohemia for pizza and drinks, because it was our friends birthday. When we came there our waiter (a guy) asked us what drinks we wanted and we ordered something. We were a large group of people, 11 to be exact, so we asked the waiter if we could sit upstairs seeing that there was no other space available. He said that it was fine, we could sit there.
While we waited for our food, three of my friends went downstairs to get themselves a drink. The barman however refused to give two of them anything, because they did not have their ID's with them. They came back upstairs and told us about the barman, so a few of them who had their ID's with them went to buy the drinks. The barman then told them, that if he came upstairs and saw the others with the drinks they bought; he would through them out.
When our food came and all of us had our drinks, a waitress came up to us and demanded that she wanted to see our ID's. She did not even check to see if we were over 18 (eventhough we obviously are). We felt so bad, although we did nothing wrong. I do not want to make accusations, but I'm sure she did not ask other people for their ID's.
I would advise that the waitresses and barmen (some of them) should work on the way they treat their customers. And to our actual waiter who helped us and was so kind, thank you.