

How to make your own nougat

While the process of making nougat is fairly simple, there are a couple of things you’ll need if you want to get good results.

Lindt chocolatier Dimo Simatos recommends investing in a good quality mixer. You’ll burn out an ordinary hand-held mixer mixing nougat, he cautions, and unless you’re some kind of sports star with superhuman upper body strength, you don’t want to be stirring this sticky mixture by hand. (Best ask Santa for a KitchenAid for Christmas!) ? 

A sugar thermometer is also essential. Heat the sugar to the wrong temperature and you’ll either end up with liquid nougat (not really such a terrible thing) or a chewy lump that’s impossible to get your teeth into.? A relatively good scale is also helpful; everything is weighed – even the egg whites! Finally, you’ll need a good nonstick surface – like a Teflon sheet – on which to cool the nougat. ?Once you’ve got these tools, you’re ready to begin. ? 

Classic nougat Montelimar?
7g dried egg white powder?
30g egg whites ?
15g glucose syrup?
200g sugar?
50g glucose syrup (available from most chemists)?
75g water?
125g honey?
30g cocoa butter?
250g roasted hazelnuts?

Heat the honey to 130 degrees Celsius. In the meantime, when the honey has reached 115 degrees Celsius, start to heat the sugar, water and 50g glucose in a separate pan to 150 degrees Celsius.? Whip the egg white, egg white powder and 15g glucose to full volume, then add the honey, being careful to pour it into the side of the bowl, and not over the whisk (or you’ll end up with spun sugar). Whip for a further three minutes to cool. ?

Add the sugar syrup slowly, whipping until it is all incorporated, then add the melted cocoa butter, and the warm hazelnuts last. Do not overmix the final ingredients, or you’ll end up with very sticky nougat. ?
Pour out the nougat onto a non-stick Teflon sheet on a baking tray (spraying it with Spray and Cook will help). Place another sheet over the top and use a rolling pin to roll the nougat flat. Once you’ve reached the desired thickness, place your rice paper on top, then turn over your baking tray and put rice paper on the other side. Slice carefully into bars.? 

In the mood for something a little more adventurous?  ? ?

Milk chocolate and peanut butter nougat?
60g egg whites?
40g glucose syrup?
450g sugar?
120g water?
500g glucose syrup?
60g milk powder?
250g peanut butter?
150g milk chocolate?

Melt the chocolate in the microwave (heat for 15 seconds, stir, then heat until melted) and set it aside.?
Heat the 500g glucose, sugar and water to 122 degrees Celsius. ?Whip the egg whites and 40g glucose until full volume has been achieved?In a consistent stream, add the boiled syrup to the eggs whilst whipping.? Allow to whip for a further 30 seconds to cool slightly.? Then, by hand, mix in the milk powder, chocolate and peanut butter. Pour out onto Teflon sheet, roll with rolling pin, and leave overnight to cool.

Recipes by Lindt Chocolate Studio. Contact the studio to conduct your own short confectionary course.

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